You have heard the buzz words by now about kettlebells…but what are they? In a powerful, low fat nutshell: double the results in half the time. Music to my ears when I first heard them!
See I am a full time working mom so time is a precious commodity. In fact, I usually get more time by simply sleeping less. I know I am not alone here.
Jobs are more demanding than ever before. Let’s not forget about social commitments and the constant pressure to be online to collect even more information. It is time to be more efficient with your workout and knock out those “I don’t have time” “I can’t” excuses. Going old school with kettlebells may be the right solution for you.
What is a kettlebell?
A cast iron weight, originally pioneered in Russia, designed for cardio and strength training athletes.
Some Stats on Kettlebells
- You burn 20.3 calories per minute*. More effective than running or an aerobics class
- A kettlebell workout is a full body workout using multiple muscle groups at the same time
- Get your cardio and strength training in one workout at the same time
- Works your core which helps prevents injury…and let’s be honest here…gives you that flat tummy you really want.
- Takes away the excuses. Just a 30 minute workout, 4 times a week can get you in great shape with a tone and fit body. You can totally do that!
- All you need is a kettlebell, a little know how and enough space to start swinging. No gym or expensive equipment needed.
Getting Started with Kettlebells
Here are a couple of my favorite and great beginning exercises with kettlebells sure to get your heart rate pumping, fat melting and muscles firming.
The Swing
This exercise is the most popular kettlebell move and with good reason. Not one muscle in the body is neglected in this “king of kettlebell exercise.”
The key to getting the form correct is that you need to place the kettlebell between the back of your heels in the down movement and then thrust up with your core and hips. You are utilizing the glutes and hamstrings to move the kettlebell from between the legs to chest high, where a rigid core and arms stop the kettlebell’s momentum and returns the kettlebell back through the legs.
Starts off easy but trust me you will feel it after a few swings!
The Squat
Work your glutes, abs and hamstrings like never before by adding the kettlebell to your squats. Stand with your feet hip distance apart and your kettlebell in hand. Bend down with an upright torso and straight back, reaching your kettlebell closer to the floor. Go as deep as you can while still practicing good form. Keep you abs in tight and your knees behind your toes. Squeeze the glutes to push back up and be sure not to lock your knees. Repeat.
I hope this article makes you rethink that sometimes intimidating metal orb and add a few kettlebell exercises to your workout routine. You won’t regret it.
About the Author
Stephanie Robbins works for RKS Workout, a complete kettlebell system. RKS Workout is the only DVD kettlebell workout system with a certified instructor that provides step by step instructions and 16 fat burning workouts. Our system is all you need to get double the results in half the time and even includes a FREE kettlebell.
Here you can learn more about RKS Workouts. As a thank you to Angie for letting me post, we are offering Losing It and Loving It fans 15% off the RKS Workout System with the code losingit. This offer expires 8/31/12.
*ACE Study January/February 2012
Stephanie – thanks so much for all this information on kettlebells. I actually picked up my very first kettle bell about a year ago. I stopped about 2 months after that because I thought it was too hard. But really, it was working so many muscles at once, I just was not use to it. Thank you for the reminder that I need to get back to using them. 🙂
Thanks for your feedback, Natalie. Now I really want to try kettlebells! Those are definitely on my home gym wish list.