How to Stay Hydrated
It’s very important to keep yourself hydrated. By drinking water before you even become thirsty, you can almost guarantee that you won’t ever end up dehydrated.
It’s really important to stay hydrated before, during and after a workout or any type of exercise. I usually drink at least 3 cups of water an hour or so before exercising, another cup or more right before I workout and several more during and after workouts.
It might seem excessive but I don’t like the feeling of dehydration. It’s also not safe to even get to that point. Here is a list of a few potential symptoms of dehydration.
Possible symptoms of dehydration:
- You have a headache
- You are thirsty
- You feel dizzy
- Your mouth is dry
Those are just a few symptoms so do your research to find out other possible symptoms. Web MD has a more in depth list of symptoms, tips on when to seek medical care and more info on how to stay hydrated.
If you know me well, you know that I am never without water in hand. When I travel, I always pack a travel coffee mug and a water bottle
in my luggage so that I can fill up at the hotel. If we are driving long distances, I make sure to bring a few of those as well so I’m never without one.
Staying hydrated is so important and water is good for you and your body’s performance. I like to keep water with me all day long because it also helps keep me full when I get that urge to eat more. And that happens often!
You CAN over hydrate (read this: How Much Water Should I Drink?) so just be cautious as to how much you drink a day and check with your doc to see what he/she might recommend for you. I have always had a goal to drink between 8-12 cups a day and that has been perfect for ME. I like to mark down how many ounces of water I have a day to keep track.
Do you have any favorite water bottles or travel coffee mugs?
I am so guilty of forgetting to carry water with me when we walk in the mornings. I now have a little Chihuahua that I take with me, and it is very important that he has water during our two mile walk. Now I carry water for the both of us.
I have noticed that sometimes when I feel hungry, it really is only my body telling me to drink some water. This Summer, with all the temps in the 90’s and upward it is very important that we don’t let ourselves get dehydrated. Thanks for the reminder of something we need to do to stay healthy.
Oh yea this summer was HOT HOT HOT. I was constantly refilling my water. And lately I have been focusing on just drinking water when I start to feel hungry, great suggestion.
Thanks for stopping by William! Great to see you here.
The kids were always leaving cups and glasses in the fridge, so at the beginning of summer we bought everyone their own BPA-free water bottle to keep in the fridge. Our 12-yr-old is prone to dehydrate fast, and having his own “special” water bottle seemed to seriously help with that. Everyone’s drinking more water and that makes us happy parents ๐
Brian & Loretta, that is an awesome idea to get them drinking more water. I can’t pass up a fun new water bottle! Great job.
Hi Angie, I’m really enjoying your blog! It’s so easy to forget to drink the proper amount of water everyday & I sometimes am guilty of this & start to get headaches. I’m trying to be more conscious of drinking water as I know it’s very important to staying hydrated & keeping you healthy, thanks!
Frank, thanks so much. Never thought to drink more water when I get headaches but that is smart. It is really easy to slack on the water.