Yes, I am serious!
Today’s TIp: Make daily exercise a habit
Daily exercise is a very healthy habit. You don’t have to do a huge workout every day but get in some form of daily exercise and you’ll be glad you did.
Here are some exercise examples:
- walking outside
- mowing the lawn
- mall walking
- park furthest away from stores, restaurants, etc.
- climbing stairs
- swimming
- bowling
- snorkeling (one of my favorites!)
- Video games (Dance Dance Revolution and/or Wii)
- chores around the house (vacuum, sweep, mop and even move furniture around because a little rearranging is always fun
Of course these are just a quick sample of what you can do but there is so much more. Our family spent a few hours at the miniature golf course a few weeks ago and it was a blast. Not a big calorie burn but a lot of walking and bending so it was something and was counted as a little bit of exercise.
There are also many great benefits to doing some form of daily exercise
- burn calories
- reduce stress/anxiety
- gain more energy
- better sleep
- lower risk of heart disease, diabetes, etc.
Whether it’s 5 minutes or 60 will you commit to doing some type of exercise every day?
Let’s get moving!
You have got to make exercise a part of your life, think of it as your job. You must work each day to pay the bills, so you must exercise each day to keep your body fit and healthy.
I read somewhere that if you keep to your exercise programs for over a period of 6 months. That it gets drilled into your mind and you will want to keep doing it. I’m almost at the 6 months point now and I must say I do get upset if I miss a workout.
Its the dieting part that’s a big letdown for me at the moment. I just can’t say no to my cravings. I’m going on holiday to Vegas in 4 weeks though, so hopefully I can shift a little more fat before then.
Keith @ My Body Fat Blog’s last blog post..Weight Loss Blog Contest Top Prize $250
I recently bought a Polar Heart rate monitor and was disappointed because I couldn’t get the graph out only a bpm av and max?
Mick, not sure what graph you’re talking about. Have you gone into the Polar website and set up your profile yet? That might be where you could find your graph.