It’s now time to announce the two winners of the Best Body Bootcamp entries. Thank you for understanding why I chose not to post on Saturday. I appreciate your patience.
I have sent an email to the winners and wanted to share it here on the blog as well. I’m looking forward to my 4th round of bootcamp with Tina. She is plain awesome. You won’t be disappointed if you join bootcamp and give it your all.
As much as the chance to win prizes is cool, one of my favorite parts is the accountability on the Best Body Bootcamp Facebook page. You will not be alone AND everyone goes at their own personal pace. So don’t worry if you are a beginner and total newbie to fitness OR even a seasoned fitness pro. Everyone is welcome and can benefit from Best Body Bootcamp.
I know, I know….let’s get on to the winners. The two winners are….dadada…drum roll please…
Jen from Running With the Girls AND Brittany from Delights and Delectables
Congrats Jen and Brittany! I look forward to seeing you at bootcamp starting January 7th. Get ready for a great experience if you haven’t already been part of Best Body Bootcamp.
P.S. I have an image of the generators for each but they are not playing nice when I try to upload them here on the blog. The winning numbers were comment 3 and 22. Should you need to see the images, I do have them.
Congrats to the winners!