Happy Friday!
Today’s Tip: How to keep a positive attitude
There are a variety of ways to help you stay positive.
- Listen to upbeat music
- Read positive attitude quotes
- Read inspirational books and stories
- Visualize what your life will look like in 1, 5, 10 years down the road
* Looking ahead helps you to keep a positive attitude because you have goals to reach for and I always tell myself that no matter what, I have to keep going despite any setbacks or challenges I might face. - Daily Positive thoughts
* A lot of people use daily affirmations and maybe they will work for you too. Keeping daily positive thoughts will help you accomplish anything you set your mind to.
Here are some sample affirmations you might use.
- I’m fit and toned
- I love the way healthy food makes me feel
- I feel strong
- I have committed to living a healthy lifestyle
- I am beautiful
Which brings me to Operation Beautiful. I love that Caitlin, a food and fitness blogger at Healthy Tipping Point came up with this in hopes to end all the fat talk and encourage positive body image. I personally know how difficult it can be to overcome the ‘talk’ but once you do, you can move on and learn to love yourself. Be sure to check out Operation Beautiful and let me know what you think. I want to participate!
There are many benefits to having a positive attitude so try to always look for the good in all situations and be open to changing your perspective on things. If you commit to keep a positive attitude on a daily basis, you will be amazed at how your thinking shifts and what all you will accomplish.
How is YOUR attitude these days?
I’ll be honest, I have been totally challenged this month to keep a positive attitude. With all the weight gain, injuries and my dog being sick this week, it has been hard to find the good in a lot of things BUT I am usually a very positive person and don’t like to be negative or around negativity so this post was perfect timing for me.
Book recommendation: The Power of Positive Thinking
Often times our mind is our worst enemy. There is a constant battle going on to gain control over our thoughts and focus on what will lead to productivity and results versus self-pity, self-loathing, and a lack of commitment. The affirmations make a huge difference. I have another book recommendation – Battlefield of the Mind by Joyce Meyers. Thanks for the great advice!
Fatblastzone’s last blog post..The Heart Healthy Mediterranean Diet and Its Link to Longevity
Awesome post Angie! My attitude is something I always seem to struggle with but I’m getting better. I’m learning to be more aware of when I’m feeling down or grumpy and take actions (usually upbeat music helps me best) to make sure I don’t allow myself to stay in that mood for long.
Tishia Lee’s last blog post..Shhhhh Don’t Tell
My attitude is GREAT until I step on the scale… lol
Lisa’s last blog post..Had ice cream tonight…
Fatblastzone: Thanks for your input and book recommendation. I’ll have to check it out. By the way, what is your name?
Tishia, life is too short so I’m glad to hear you’re focusing on being more aware when the ‘mood’ strikes.
Lisa, you had me ROFL. Don’t step on the scale for a few weeks and see how that works for ya *wink*
i love your positive message, too!!
Thanks for such a positive post! I struggle with negativity so much, and I really need to start working on having a better and more positive attitude. I’ll be following some of those tips for sure.
Sam @ Small Changes Add Up’s last blog post..Green Monster Love
Thanks Caitlin!
Sam, you’re welcome. If there is anything I can help you with on ways to keep a more positive attitude, let me know. First step is to surround yourself with more positive people and go from there.