I had a pretty good week of workouts I would say. I blew the circuit in our home gym (remodeled garage) because I had 2 heaters running, the stereo, treadmill, lights on, etc. Kev fixed it but I have to be careful.
It’s so dang cold in there, I have been wearing compression arm sleeves and gloves when I workout (now I just need to find my shin sleeves). We totally need a new garage door as our current one is not very well insulated. But lots of good moves this week kept me warm too!
Yesterday we juiced for breakfast and lunch and today we juiced for breakfast. I’ll be doing some posts on juicing here soon. If you juice, have a juicing blog, etc. and would like to do a guest post here, that would be awesome. I’m still torn whether or not I’ll participate in the 10 juice fast hubby wants to do. I guess it won’t kill me but I struggled yesterday. My stomach was growling and when it came to dinner I went crazy. I’ll have to have a TON of will power that is for sure.
Off to plan this weeks meals. Here are my workouts for the week:
Time: 31 min.
Calories burned: 433
*Rebounding, step and upper body w/weights
Time: 30 min.
Calories burned: 374
Time: 30 min.
Calories burned: 405
*Treadmill, rebounder & lower body
Time: 30 min.
Calories burned: 386
Friday- Day off
Time: 30 min.
Calories burned: 407
*Cardio, weights, abs
Time: 25 min.
Calories burned: 271
Today was a mix of rebounding, step, ab work, weights, lower/upper body workouts. Didn’t know what I wanted to do and figured I probably should do something other than spin ha ha
I’m ready for another full week of workouts. My goal again this week is to get in at least 5 days. I need to add some boxing back into my life so I look forward to that.
Did you have a good workout week?
That’s quite a workout!!! I’ve been curious about juicing but too timid to take the plunge. I am a chewer and need stuff to chew on. But I get the benefits of juicing and think they are amazing!
Like you my home gym is also set up in the garage -very handy – but I don’t have to worry bout the cold – since Queensland is pretty hot most of the time. i was interested that you had shared your workout routine – I need to be more focused with mine.
I was interested to see you are considering juicing I have been thinking about this for a while – but a bit concerned as to how it may affect energy levels.
Lucky you with the weather! But our two heaters keep it nice and toasty. Spring is coming so it will be nice not to have to use them. A focused routine has kept me going all these years.
We are still talking about juicing but I don’t know that a juice fast would be for me. We have been juicing on the weekends and I do love it but cannot imagine breakfast, lunch and dinner for more than 2-3 days ha ha
As for energy, I think if you mixed the right things at the right meal, the energy would be fine. Hubby still wants to do a juice fast.