Looking back on February and so happy to welcome March! In February I didn’t follow through with my goal to do the 100 Day Burpee Challenge. And for some reason, although I did get back into the home gym, I just didn’t FEEL the workouts.
Not sure what is up with that but I have been doing what I love the most and that is spinning, rebounding and dancing. And I did get some shadow boxing in too. I have also thrown in some upper and lower body moves into the mix and started doing 100 exercise ball crunches every other day.
I know I need to mix it up or things won’t change. So that is the goal for March, to do a variety of workouts every week.
And on the food front, we want to do more juicing and I want to keep trying my hand at cooking new healthy meals. And my new interest is in learning all about weekly meal prep. I think if we put in a couple hours on Sunday to prepare items for the week, life would be so much easier. We might just start with lunches to begin with and then go from there.
I have succeeded in doing some of the things on my 13 in 2013 list. I’m regularly giving my time to help others in business, reading more and juicing. I’m also starting a list of ideas for what to do on video. One of my goals this week with my business accountability partner is to learn more about Windows Movie Maker and work on editing a video tour I did of our home gym.
I need to go back to that 13 in 2013 post and change #3. We won’t have the opportunity to vacation in Honduras this year. Our furnace has been on the fritz and we are looking at replacing the entire unit plus maybe adding a new central air unit to that as well. It’s going to definitely cost us!
But we truly do need a vacation so I think we are going to be able to do something on a much smaller scale than Honduras. We are looking at going to Florida to do the whole NASCAR experience while also spending time with friends who have kindly offered up their home for our visit. I can’t wait to see and spend time with them!
So there you have it. Sure hoping for a successful month. My birthday is April 1st so that is pretty exciting too. Maybe I can talk hubby into getting the XBox 360 & Kinect early. We’ll see how that goes!
Do you ever get bored of your workouts? What are some of your goals for this month?
Hi Angie!
You have some good goals for this year. I like the 13 for 2013 concept. I just decided to uplevel my own physical fitness too. I’ve increased my strength steadily but it has been very slow. As exciting as watching grass grow. ๐ Time to kick so a** ๐
Your navigation bar has disappereared.. I’ll email you about it.
Thanks Satu! I’m ready to kick things up a notch that is for sure. Let’s do it.
Got the nav bar back, thanks for the heads up and email. You rock!