Cindy’s Goal Call Monday post is ready for your viewing pleasure. Be sure to stop by and post your goals. I accomplished all I set out to do last week. YEA!
My goals this week:
50 reps/5x-Ab Coaster
50 stability ball crunches a day
2 days Turbo Kick (Monday night’s class was canceled for the holiday)
2 days Spin (It will most likely be 3 days, we did a special holiday race day for spin class this morning)
Sticking with the same as last week. I have been eating much better, watching portions, calories, etc. I hope the scale will show it this week but if not, I know it won’t be long.
I am feeling great but I am exhausted after 3 spin class days in a row and tomorrow morning starts my 60 min. Turbo Kick class. Whew!
What are you goals for the week?
Annette says
My goals for the week are to add a new veggie, sit a bit less, and get outside more with the kiddos…despite the heat that is still lingering!
Annette’s last blog post..Honored on Labor Day 😉
dadiavastreet says
Work it out! My goal is to get back on track after my mini vacation. I didn’t do bad, but not as good as I would have liked! Have a great week!
Angie says
Great goals, Annette. We have been eating a lot more veggies lately and it’s fun trying different things with them.
Hi Ms. Diva, really good goal to get back on track. Vacations can be tough sometimes but as long as you get back on track, you’ll be good to go. Welcome back!
Thanks for commenting ladies.