It’s Fit and Healthy Friday tip time.
Today’s Tip: Make Chores Fun
You can always find ways to burn extra calories by doing house and yard work. Let’s step outdoors for a moment and see what options we have to add a bit more exercise to our day. Do you have a garden or flower bed? Get in there and pull out weeds, hoe, dig, etc. What about that tall grass? Grab the lawn mower and start walking (and no the riding lawn mower doesn’t count). I took over mowing duties from hubby a few years ago and I love it. In the 45-60 minutes or more that it takes me, I burn over 700 calories. I would say that is a nice little workout.
Fall comes and you have tons of leaves that are going to cover your yard. Grab the rake and go to town. Then winter comes along and if you get snow, you’ll need a shovel because that is quite the workout. Be sure to use proper form when doing anything more strenuous and stay hydrated too.
Now let’s go indoors. Surely there can’t be anything inside that will burn some extra calories, you’re thinking but I have news for you, there is plenty you can do. Vacuuming , mopping, cleaning the tub/shower and even folding clothes will have you burning extra calories in no time. This may sound silly and some of my readers already know I do this but as I fold clothes, I put each piece of clothing away one at a time. I have to walk from the bed to the closet so it’s a few extra steps and calories burned. Everything counts so make it a point to be mindful of that.
Make your household chores work for you.
I don’t think most people stop and think about how many calories chores burn… one more reason to have a spotless home 😉
Kate’s last blog post..Pardon me, is my geekiness showing?
What a great idea to put your clothes away an item at a time. In this house, that would take forever but I can see how I could really get some stepping in. Will try it today…I have a full hamper because I took a day off of laundry yesterday 😉 I love raking leaves in the fall. The yard is hubby’s thing…..he loves it but I do the weeding in my flower bed, picking up toys, etc out where the kiddos play.
Looking forward to fall. The last few days we have had a sneak peak at cooler temps and it has been wonderful!
Annette’s last blog post..Clarity and Peace
the less Im able to get to the gym the more I do this…leaving piles of clean clothes downstairs so I have to make an extra trip etc.
GREAT POST/reminder…
MizFit’s last blog post..Link Love. The Poetry Stylings of the MizFit
Thanks for commenting ladies! Sometimes we just don’t think of how the simple little things can make a difference.