This past week was good. I have accomplished 12 days so far of the 30 Day Shred workout video and I’m pretty proud of that. We had a volleyball fundraiser tournament that some members of our family played in today and that was a lot of fun. Got a lot of sun and I played pretty well! I did get up early to do the 30 Day Shred BEFORE we left to spend all day playing volleyball. Go me!
I also packed my own healthy lunch to take along since I knew from last year they would only have brats, burgers, chips and that type of stuff. It was tasty (a salad, bread, cottage cheese and pineapple). Yum!
Workout stats for the week of July 6-July 12, 2009
*30 Day Shred
Time: 28 min.
Calories burned: 239
*Walk outside
Time: 20 min.
*30 Day Shred
Time: 28 min.
Calories burned: 215
*30 Day Shred
Time: 28 min.
Calories burned: 248
*Walk outside
Time: 20 min.
*30 Day Shred
Time: 28 min.
Calories burned: 231
*Walk outside
Time: 15 min.
*30 Day Shred
Time: 28 min.
Calories burned: 239
*Walk outside
Time: 20 min.
*30 Day Shred
Time: 28 min.
Calories burned: 238
*Mowing lawn
Time: 1 hour +
Calories burned: 500+
*30 Day Shred
Time: 28 min.
Calories burned: 185
*Volleyball tourney
Time: 2 hours +
How did your workouts go this week?
Good job! My friends and I have started playing sand volleyball and it has been a great workout for us!
Thanks Jennifer! Sand volleyball is a great workout. Glad to hear you’re playing!