Another challenging week complete! Just finished week 2 of running and it’s sooo hard. What in the world am I doing to myself? LOL Shin splints are sooo painful ugh
I love going to the gym but lately it’s really hard to find an open treadmill and especially hard to find two next to each other so Kev and I can workout together. Plus I’m a bit irritated that our gym has probably FOUR broken treadmills and this afternoon there were kids playing on them, hitting buttons, etc. Unacceptable! I will be talking with management this week to make sure they take care of it.
Anyway here are my workouts for the week.
*Spin class
Time: 1 hr
Calories burned: 679
Time: 40 min.
Miles: 2.14 (ran 8 one min. intervals)
Calories burned: 405
*Spin class
Time: 1 hr
Calories burned: 663
Thursday- Day Off
Time: 45 min.
Miles: 2.34 (ran 8 one min. intervals)
Calories burned: 450
Saturday- Day Off
*Spin class
Time: 1 hr. 13 min.
Calories burned: 781
Time: 38 min.
Miles: 1.53 (ran 5 one min. intervals)
Calories burned: 341
This coming week will be a bit off since I’m getting ready for a business trip. I’m hoping for sure to be posting next Sunday that I exercised while on vacation. The plan is to workout M, W, F, S, Su so we’ll see.
Today after the gym we went to The Running Depot where I got my new running shoes a few weeks ago so Kev could get a pair too. We bought more running socks (I love these things!) AND I also got a pair of shin splint sleeves and I sure hope they work! I will be wearing them during running this week so we shall see. There were two different kinds and I liked the sleeves better than the wraps so that’s what I bought.
I sure hope this running stuff gets easier! It would be really cool to find a pro runner who could watch me on the treadmill to see if I’m running correctly and maybe to give me some tips. I would ask the trainers at the gym but I want an actual runner to assess me to make sure I am doing what I’m supposed to be doing. We’ll see!
Did you exercise this week? If so, how did it go?
Val says
I just wanted to say that my body does not like running on treadmills. Even though supposedly it should be easier on you, all of our bodies are different.
My knees can’t take the lack of support when running on the treadmill. lol How funny is that?
Val’s last blog post..More About Me
Tricia says
Ouch! Hope those shins get to feeling better!
Tricia’s last blog post..The positive side of an injury
Biz says
I love running on the treadmill because I can keep a constant pace – when I run outside I am fast, then slow!
We should go grocery shopping together at Joseph’s! I’ll show you the ropes – such fresh produce and so cheap!!
Biz’s last blog post..New Friends!
carol giambri says
In Lynn’s group and discovered your site here. I have been exercising for over 25 years. Not always to self motivate myself, but I do it cause I am solo w/this desire in my home. I don’t love on treadmill, but sometimes I am kicked up and doing it well; other times, not sure why, seems so hard. Best to you. I’m a health nut to the max and been vegan for decades now. Best to you.
Runeatrepeat says
Hey Angie 🙂 I’ve heard good things about those sleeves. Good luck!
Angie says
Once again, behind on replying here. I have been sick for 2 weeks so no running here BUT I can’t wait to get back to it next week. I am looking forward to running outdoors to see how I like that. The treadmill is OK but I think I’ll like it outside better.
Biz, I’m definitely going to hit up Joseph’s with you sometime. It sounds great!
Carol, so excited you stopped by. I am very intrigued by the vegetarian & vegan lifestyles. Might have to touch base with you about that sometime.
Monica, the sleeves were helping but the last few times I used them my feet seemed to go numb when I was running. Not quite sure what it was but hope it was just a fluke LOL