Quick recap of this weeks workouts. I felt really good this week so workouts went really well. THANK GOODNESS!
Time: 10 min.
*Personal training (upper body)
Time: 30 min.
*Treadmill (run/walk)
Time: 20 min.
Miles: 1.16
Did three 2 minute running intervals. Moving up in the world ha ha
*Pilates class
Time: 60 min.
Time: 20 min.
*Spin class
Time: 1 hr
Not happy with the gym at this time because once again they have an issue with the air in the spin class room. And the issue was there is NO AIR! Geesh…not fun at all.
Thursday- Day off
*Treadmill w/hand weights (warm up)
Time: 12 min.
*Personal training (upper body/abs/core)
Time: 30 min.
Absolutely awesome workout! I asked Karen if we could work on some ab stuff and although it was tough, it was a fabulous workout and I can’t wait to do more.
Saturday- Day off
*Spin class
Time: 1 hr.
Once again, NO AIR in the spin class and I’m just a tad irritated with L.A. Fitness. I mean I love the gym overall but this stuff seems to happen too often. Plus they have bikes, treadmills, etc. that need fixing and for the price we pay I expect these things to be taken care of and not left for weeks and even MONTHS at a time.
Exhausting week but I feel good and I’m ready to start a new week. I have a few personal training sessions this week so I’m excited about that but I’m not sure how other workouts will go. I do know that I’m not going to go back to Pilates but am going to look at the gym class schedule to see what else I might try in July. We’ll see!
How did your workouts go this week? Please share!
Julia says
Just found your blog, its fab. I too am losing it and loving it over at my blog – http://www.britbride.com – come see me! It seems we read a lot of the same blogs!
.-= Julia @ Brit Bride´s last blog ..Family wedding weekend recap and I’m back in my trainers- Wahoo- =-.
Angie says
Thank you for your kind words about my blog. I only got a few minutes to check yours out but I’ll be back for sure.
Biz says
Love your plans this week Angie! OMG, no air in the spin class room? That’s horrible!
I only worked out twice this week so far – Monday and Tuesday – hope to get Jillian in 2 more times before Sunday!
Angie says
Thanks! Yea tell me about it. Kev had to complain a few times but he says all is good in the world and that there is now air. I didn’t go to spin on Wed. Hope your workouts went well. Jillian kicks my butt when I do her workout LOL Have a great weekend!
DianaHayes says
Angie you are doing a great job at your workouts, it’s inspirational.
.-= DianaHayes´s last blog ..Deb’s Tortellini Salad =-.
Angie says
Thanks so much, Diana!
Tishia - No More Plus Size says
No air???? EEEEK how do you stand to workout with no air in there? I can’t imagine! lol I love ab work too – guess I should probably do more of it then 🙂
.-= Tishia – No More Plus Size´s last blog ..Reality Check Weigh In =-.
Angie says
It’s fixed now but I couldn’t take it so I had to skip a few spin classes. In fact I’m off to spin in just a bit.
Looking forward to hopefully working out with you again at NAMS.