Did you remember the time change? My day is all off since we had to spring forward. The day is going by so fast and all I have done was played Wii Mario Kart all weekend with hubby. It is such a fun game. We sign on to play with people either worldwide or regional. It’s very cool. Do you have Wii Mario Kart? If so, let’s connect. I’m thinking of getting a Wii Fit but am still undecided.
I set goals last week and didn’t really keep track of what I accomplished. I did really good in the dessert area but I think I had 4 nights of dessert and not three. I didn’t do so good with keeping up on strength training either. We took off from the gym this entire weekend yikes!
Here are my workouts for the week:
Workout stats for the week of March 2-8, 2009
Time: 35 minutes
Miles: 3.31
Calories burned:350
Time: 12 min.
Miles: .71
Calories burned: 97
*Spin class (Endurance)
Time: 50 minutes
Calories burned:420
*Walk Away the Pounds 5k with a Twist 3.1 miles
Time: 45 minutes
Miles: 3.1
Calories burned: 340
*Walk Outside
Time: 20 minutes
*Walk Away the Pounds Big Burn 2 miles
Time: 31 minutes
Miles: 2
Calories burned: 224
*Dance Off the Inches: Country Line Dance
Time: 52 minutes
Calories burned: 192
*Walk Outside
Time: 20 minutes
Day Off
Day Off
How did your week go?
Tishia Lee says
35 minutes on the elliptical? Holy Toledo I’m bowing down to you! LOL My friend just got one so I had to try it out. You know how long I made it? 3 minutes. 3 lousy minutes and my thighs/legs were burning so bad I thought I would fall off it if I didn’t get off it. At least I sort of redeemed myself on the treadmill – 10 minutes there. Ok so that’s not much either but I’m all about baby steps! LOL
I always read your workouts for the week and wonder if I’ll ever be able to enjoy working out and do it as frequently as you do.
Tishia Lee’s last blog post..Softball is in the Air…
Crazy Daisy says
Hey! Totally new here! Clicked over from An Island Life! We have a Wii, however, haven’t played in awhile! However, wii fit is fun! When we do play, that is likely what is on!
Crazy Daisy’s last blog post..Weekend Flair #9 ~ Refrigerator Magnets
MizFit says
man you are kicking some BOOOOTY.
me? the springing forward is temporarily kicking MY booty 🙂
MizFit’s last blog post..Working Out & Fear of Failure. (video post)
Angie says
Tishia: When we first started on the Elliptical, we could only go 5 min. before totally pooping out LOL It definitely took time to get to where we are now. Baby steps is the way to go and I think once you start accomplishing more, you’ll really enjoy working out.
Crazy Daisy: Thanks for stopping by. I appreciate your input about Wii Fit. We had such a blast with Wii Mario Kart but there was no activity involved in that, just a lazy game.
Miz: I want to kick more bootay LOL I thought for sure I would be so tired this morning but I was rarin’ to go at 6:30 AM yikes.