My goals for the week:
I will go to Turbo Kick class 3 times this week
I will go to Spin class 2 times this week
I will sit on the stability ball for at least 15 min. a day
I will do 50 stability ball crunches a day
Don’t forget to go on over to Cindy’s Goal Call Monday post and leave a comment with your personal weight loss/fitness goals. Then come back here and let me know you posted so I can be sure to check out your goals over there.
Have a successful week,
MizFit says
is it wrong that Im tired reading your goals?
*runs off to make her own*
MizFit’s last blog post..Monday Facetime. Blooper Reel.
April says
I didn’t want to reply to your comment on my blog by leaving a comment there since that would throw off the number of entries, but I wanted to let you know that you can DEFINITELY be entered twice…once through my VA blog and once through my personal blog. So you’re in! Good luck!
April’s last blog post..I want one of these!