Online Healthy Living Challenges
Can you believe it’s August already? Are you meeting all the goals you set at the beginning of the year? I love monthly challenges and would really like to start taking part in more of them.
I have been looking for healthy living challenges coming up in August but I haven’t found a lot. If you know of any, please let me know. I can always update this post! And I will have a post at the end of every month sharing online challenges for the following month so be sure to contact me with any you find.
Here is the list of August online healthy living challenges that I did find.
- Run With Jess has an Olympic Virtual Games Track Star challenge set for Aug. 3-12, 2012.
- Run to the Finish has a Clean Eating Challenge taking place in Aug.
- Tara has the Accomplished August Challenge coming up!
Like I said on Sunday, I am participating in the Best Body Bootcamp so every week I’ll have two goals to work towards. Some will stay the same as I work on them, some will change.
August/Sept/Oct. is going to be a crazy month of travel, jury duty and getting back into the swing of things with the kitty. It’s been about a month since his last x-ray and he seems to be doing really great out of the crate (here in the home office). It’s going to be time here in the next 2 weeks to start getting him out of here and used to moving about the house again. We have to work on picking up a bit more around the house (cords, boxes, etc.) and will possibly build some cat shelves so he’s not jumping from high places. Although I’m not sure that will be easy to keep him from doing when we aren’t at home lol
I’m telling you the last 4 months have been a real struggle in more ways than I can count. I’m ready for some positive things to start happening on a more regular basis. It will be nice to be able to workout with hubby again, take walks and maybe even go to the Caribbean within the next 12 months. We so need a vacation but kitty is not quite ready for us to go THAT far.
So there’s a little update on things on the home front. Thanks to all who have kept up with the saga and sent good thoughts and hugs.
So I have been planning out my goals for August. I would like to keep on the 5 workout days a week and limiting desserts.
Do you know of any Aug. challenges? What are your goals for August?
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