Happy Black Friday! Have you been shopping yet today?
I have some weight loss/fitness/healthy lifestyle deals to share with you today plus a product review.
Let’s start this post off right with this cool “Hit the Deck” product.
Trying to lose weight? Short on time?
Looking for cardio and strength training all in one workout? Trouble managing your stress?
Need a convenient workout at home or on the road?
PowerHouse Hit The Deck™ is the answer — one box has it all!
Set the timer, draw your first card, and do as many repetitions as you can. When the timer beeps, draw your next card!
Simple, easy, effective: a cardiovascular AND strength training workout at the same time, as well as an effective tool to combat stress.
What can PowerHouse Hit the Deck™ do for you?
- Help you to lose weight, burn fat, and add muscle tone
- Provide cardio AND weight training exercise at the same time
- Expand your ability to handle and recover from stress
- Improve your overall levels of fitness and wellness
- Allow for flexibility – workouts can be any length desired
- Offer variety by providing wide range of effective exercises
- Deliver an excellent workout with no fitness equipment
- Provide a great way to cross-train
- Improve the quality of your sleep
Just leave a comment on this post by Sunday at 10 PM Eastern telling me what benefit of this product excites you the most.
Here are some great gift ideas for you to share when someone asks you what’s on your holiday gift wish list. This list will also help you shop for the active health conscious person in your life!
*Gift certificate to local gym/fitness center
*Fitness equipment
*Workout DVD’s
*Fitness gear
*Healthy Gift Baskets
*ipod and/or itunes gift card (Here are some of my favorite workout music tunes)
*Gift certificate to health food stores like Whole Foods, Trader Joe’s, etc.
And the list goes on!
Can you think of any other gift ideas for the fitness or health conscious nut?
And just for fun take a peek at these adorable personalized teddy bears. Be sure to click on Sporting Gifts to find the most adorable sport themed teddy bears. Aren’t the Walker and Aerobics personalized teddy bears just adorable? These bears are NOT for kids so be sure to read the fine print.
Happy Shopping & Happy Holidays,
P.S. And lastly is a quick review of an Otterbox product called the Commuter™ Series for iphone that I received from the Otterbox company for review. I got the red Otterbox Commuter TL iPhone case and it’s pretty good for every day use. The outside is a plastic translucent shell that gives extra support along with a textured silicone skin. I’m not sure I could use this case when I go to workout because it doesn’t totally cover the iphone (the potential of the front of the iphone breaking scares me ha ha) but I do like it for everyday use and have been using it exclusively for about 2 weeks now and overall give it a thumbs up.
I am also in the process of reviewing two other Otterbox products and I cannot wait to do a full review on all 3 items together. I’ll be testing these products out over the next 5 weeks and will have a full review by the 1st week of January. I really want to see how well one of them works in Jamaica since I’ll have my iphone around sand and water. Keep your fingers crossed for me! Should be fun reviewing these other 2 products. Thanks Otterbox and Molly for the opportunity to test out these great products.
Hey Angie, thank you for pointing out that bearfamilygifts.com have a sale; I have bookmarked the link so I can go back an buy one for my daughter.
Paul@Cycling Wheels’s last blog post..A Quick Guide To Prolite Wheels
Ok I am loving the Hit The Deck prize. I get bored with the same ol’ exercise over and over again, so the benefit I like most is the variety and the fact that it is timed. It sounds like so much fun!
LaTara Ham-Ying’s last blog post..Social Savvy Minute: Get In Where You Fit In
Oh yeah, I went to Jen’s site and love the New Challenge Package. Cool stuff…thanks for the opportunity to win
LaTara Ham-Ying’s last blog post..Social Savvy Minute: Get In Where You Fit In
I love the idea of PowerHouse Hit The Deck™. The idea of having a timer going and trying to ‘beat’ the timer to get as many reps in before it goes off excites me. LOL I’m a bit on the competitive side so while I wouldn’t be competing against anyone but myself it would make me push myself harder than normal.
I think it would also go along nicely with the other workouts I’ve been trying to implement on a daily basis.
I get too bored doing the same exercises over and over so this would be a fun way to change things up and keep me excited about getting up and moving!
Tishia Lee’s last blog post..Happy Thanksgiving!
I think the Hit the Deck product would be great to help provide a little variety in my exercise program. I just started running 3 days a week and am looking for something to do on the the other days.
Courtney’s last blog post..Writing My 1st WordPress Plugin
What a wonderful idea – this would definitely keep me motivated – you never know what’s going to come next!
Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving and good luck with your goals this week – we can do it!
Biz’s last blog post..Back to Reality
The It Works product seems pretty interesting. Jen also carries the Defining Gel which is says you should use between application if the wraps.
Felissa’s last blog post..In Memory of Gabi And Rivky Holtzberg OBM
Hit the Deck sounds like a really fun product to get me motivated to do something other then walking everyday.
I need something easy to do without machines or weights and time limited and this looks like a great product.
Felissa’s last blog post..In Memory of Gabi And Rivky Holtzberg OBM
Thank you all for participating! The winners have been chosen. Congrats Courtney and Felissa, enjoy your goodies.