I hear Monterey is one of the best places in California to go whale watching. When I heard we would not only see whales but dolphins, sea lions and more, I got so excited.
The See Monterey website has a lot of great info. AND a whole page devoted to whale watching tours and tips! They have also been helpful on Twitter too.
Kev and I are looking into booking a whale watching tour in Monterey, CA for when we go next month. How does one choose from the list of what looks like awesome Monterey whale watching tour companies?
Here’s what we have to work with. Are you familiar with any of them?
Monterey Whale Watching Tours
Princess Monterey Whale Watching
What we are looking for in a Monterey whale watching tour:
- Fun tour operators
- Experienced Captains
- Active on social media
- Reasonable prices
So far Monterey Bay Whale Watch is in the lead for me. I feel they are very personable on Facebook and I just love watching their videos and seeing their updates with pictures.
And after watching this video, I think I have made up our minds. I really love what they are all about.
I’m sure that all the Monterey whale watching tours are great. It’s important to do your research and choose the one that best fits you.
I also want to be prepared so here is a list of items I plan to bring with us.
- Camera/camcorder
- Seasickness remedies (PSI Bands
for nausea and a few other motion sickness remedies
- Sunscreen
- Layer up – I do know it’s quite chilly out on the water so I plan to have a hat, hooded jacket and gloves. I will also wear sneakers.
Can you think of anything else? Have you ever been on a whale watching tour? If so, do you have any recommendations/tips?
Have a great time on your whale watching tour! I’d suggest adding the following to your list of things to bring: sunglasses, extra batteries (if you are using that type of electronic device) Ziploc or other waterproof case for your electronics (salt water can be brutal), extra small bills (the cash is because many tour operators sell extras like premium beverages in addition to what is provided with your ticket), Also, I suggest choosing a tour operator that is associated with some kind of marine conservation group – not only does the price of your admission help marine life, but usually you get a much more educated tour guide – they will point out other interesting things on the trip, and are so knowledgeable and willing to answer your questions one-on-one during those in-between times when the boat is traveling to the next location. Oh, and here’s a biggie – empty your phone’s storage of photos and videos so you have maximum space to capture the whales (and of course make sure it is fully charged) – and if you don’t get reception on the water consider putting your phone to airplane mode to save battery so the phone isn’t constantly trying to find service. Have a great time and we expect lots of great pictures
Here’s a short video I shot when we went whale watching off of Cape Cod, MA: https://youtu.be/qhz0yIxghXE – it is an experience you will never forget, and one of my favorite things to do in the whole world – I’m sure you are going to have an amazing time.
I so want to do this! I would have to do something for the motion sickness – the girls to. I hope Kevin does well!
Before we travel I get a Scopolomine Patch (Rx) from my doctor. They go on behind the ear and are good for three days. You may get a little dry mouth from them, but it’s well worth it to be able to enjoy the sea.