Oh boy workouts this week were a dud. I got in ONE day and that’s it. Got sick and it has only gotten worse. Looks like this week will not be much better. Hubby has pneumonia and I am trying to keep it at bay but boy the coughing and breathing is not going well plus I have a fever off and on. I am sure bummed because this would have been my 5th week running. I should have known by the struggle I had on the treadmill Monday that I was getting sick.
But I am just going to try to get better. Lots of rest this week!
So here are the stats for the one day that I did work out.
Time: 46 min.
Miles: 2.53 (7-one minute intervals and 1-one minute 15 interval)
Calories burned: 500
I was struggling with the running so at the end I bumped it up to incline 6 and walked that way for about 5 min.
Tuesday-Sunday nada
So there you have a very short update. Hope everyone else did well with workouts this past week.
What are your plans for the coming week?
I honestly don’t have any until I get better but I am itching to get back to the gym for spin and running. Did you ever think I would say that? LOL
Have a great week,
Hey Angie I hope you and Kev get better soon. I did my basic Wii Fit Plus workouts over the week and then added in some squats because I’m doing the 200 squats challenge.
.-= Tishia – No More Plus Size´s last blog ..Silly Sunday =-.
Feeling sick really gets in the way of working out, doesn’t it? I hope you are better soon!
.-= FatFighterTV´s last blog ..News Nugget: Does The Biggest Loser have big health problems? =-.
work outs… what are those again?
Sorry you guys are down for the count – nothing worse than trying to exercise when you are hacking up a lung!
.-= Biz´s last blog ..Morning! =-.
Being sick, and working out feels just awful, doesn’t it. Feel better soon!
.-= Allison (Eat Clean Live Green)´s last blog ..Pizza That Will Rock Your Socks Off =-.
Thank you all so much! It’s been a rough week but I am getting there. Hope to be able to return to spin class on Monday. But there won’t be any running until at least next Saturday because of one of the meds I was on…it can do massive damage to your achilles so you have to wait to run after being on it. Crazy and I’m not happy about it LOL
Nell! ha ha