As part of the 100 Days of Weight Loss, we are creating a vision for the future. Think about some of your immediate goals and the reasons why you want to lose weight and write them down!
Here are the 10 reasons why I want to lose weight and maintain success.
1) Be healthier
2) Wear cute bathing suits
3) Have easier workouts
4) Be fit to teach a fitness class
5) I want to fit comfortably on rides at amusement parks
6) Comfortably run a 1/2 marathon
7) Fit in cute jeans/other clothes
8) Set an example so I can share my success with others and fully support them
9) Feel strong
10) Have more self confidence
Keep your eye on your goals and always refer back to your list if at anytime you feel like giving up. You might go one step further and try to envision yourself fitting in to those cute little jeans or how you might feel when you fit into them.
Over on my Facebook fan page, we are sharing just a few of our reasons with each other. I think that connecting with others in the same boat as yourself will really help as far as accountability on our path to weight loss success.
What are some of your reasons for wanting to lose weight?
Biz says
Loved your list Angie!! I guess number one is to set a great example for my daughter – who bless her heart thinks I am perfect just the way I am!
She just needs to tell my doctor that!!
Hope all is well and our weather in the 40’s this week will melt all the snow!
.-= Biz´s last blog ..Green Eggs and Ham =-.
Angie says
Awww what a sweet daughter! It’s been a busy week, I’ll tell you about it soon. The weather has been decent and I hope all the snow goes away and we are on our way to Spring. Nice weather makes me happy!
casual friday every day says
Cute bathing suits — right there with you sista. I don’t even like getting into a once piece at this point!
Angie says
Let’s do it! My favorite are tankini’s and I look forward to the day I don’t have to get the plus size. The smaller size suits are much cuter ha
Heidi says
Great list –
I’d add some of my own:
1) stop snoring to wake the dead
2) stop breaking a sweat trying to put on a bra
3) stop testing chair strength when choosing a restaurant
4) stop causing traffic jams when entering the Mini Cooper
.-= Heidi´s last blog ..How To Create A Helpful Physical Exercise Program for Bodybuilding =-.
Danielle says
Finding some good reasons to lose weight can take you from just thinking about losing weight to actually doing something about it. People don’t take action unless there are good reasons for it! And, most importantly, having good, meaningful reasons to reach your goal can help you maintain your weight goal once you get there.
The first thing that must change is your attitude about diet and nutrition. Most of us are taught to think of diet as a short term project to get the weight off. When you go “on” a diet, it implies that there is an “off”. Then, it’s back to old eating habits and the weight returns. When your focus is on making some permanent, positive changes to your diet, it’s an ongoing process towards a new way of thinking about food. Every time you eat, you are “starting” again. You have choices to make each and every time it’s time to eat for the rest of your life – it’s unavoidable and you’re already doing it. The difference is your commitment to make the best eating decisions in the worst of conditions (office birthday parties, fast food lunches, etc.), and the knowledge of what are the best choices. Sometimes it’s just eating a smaller amount of the “junk” food than you would otherwise have – that is a very good alternative to complete avoidance. A healthy eating style has balance – you can enjoy the occasional “junk” and fun foods, but they are simply put into proper prospective. A good sign is that you are planning to lose your 30 pounds within a reasonable time frame. It takes about two months to really make a behavior change that one might consider a new habit, and a reasonable, healthy rate of weight loss is no more than 1-2 pounds a week, on average.
Danielle says
Finding some good reasons to lose weight can take you from just thinking about losing weight to actually doing something about it. People don’t take action unless there are good reasons for it! And, most importantly, having good, meaningful reasons to reach your goal can help you maintain your weight goal once you get there. So, looking better is a great reason to lose weight, but you might want to be concerned if it’s your only reason. And, take a reality check. Looks and body type are strongly influenced by genetics. Making the best of what you’ve got is much more reasonable than trying to look like someone else. If you’re making the effort to lose weight, the more reasons you have to follow through and the more meaningful those reasons are to you, the more likely it is that you’ll be successful. Remind yourself of what those reasons are and follow a plan that doesn’t just take you to your goal, but keeps you there.