Happy Easter! Hope your day was full of MANY blessings!
Workouts this week were not as good as I expected and I really have no excuse as to why I didn’t workout a few days this week except that my feet are majorly swollen but it’s really no excuse. I just didn’t feel like working out and took a break. Ever felt that way?
I will be spending tomorrow at the hospital for my stepdaughter’s surgery so I doubt I’ll be able to do anything. Back to working out on Tuesday!
This past week I did have the mini trampoline workout challenge M-F and I think quite a few people enjoyed it as did I although I didn’t rebound on Friday so I missed one day. How did everyone do? I think I’ll do another mini trampoline challenge this summer if anyone would be interested.
Here are my workouts for the week:
Time: 15 min.
Calories burned: 134
*Stability ball crunches
Total: 70
*Run/Walk outside
Time: 28 min.
Miles: no clue (ran 4 one min. intervals)
Calories burned: 271
Thinking my shin sleeves might be too tight. I did get small/medium size and might need to get large or try to run without them for a while. My left foot keeps tingling and goes numb. Weird!
Time: 17 min.
Calories burned: 127
*Stability ball crunches
Total: 70
*Stability ball crunches
Total: 70
Time: 15 min.
Calories burned: over 100 (HR monitor had some glitches)
*Spin class
Time: 1 hr.
Calories burned: 624
Time: 17 min.
*Stability ball crunches
Total: 70
Friday-Sunday NADA ZIP ZILCH
I do have some interesting news to share and I’ll write more about it in another post but last Thursday April 1st on my birthday, I made the decision to give up beef, pork, chicken, etc. I want to try to focus on fully going vegetarian at some point but for now I’ll still have fish, eggs and limited dairy. It’s been 4 days and things are going well so far.
Hope you had a great week! How did your workouts go?
Hi Angie,
I hope you had a blessed Easter.
I love the mini trampoline exercises. One can rebound several times a day while listening to podcasts on their ipod or watching television.
It is said that mini-trampoline exercises are good for the lymphatic system. In fact, vigorous exercise such as rebounding is reported to increase lymph flow by 15 to 30 times.
I love those mini-trampolines – haven’t been on one in awhile. Sending your stepdaughter healing thoughts…
.-= FatFighterTV´s last blog ..Weight Watchers ice cream bars giveaway =-.
Hope your step-daughters surgery went well!
I have been doing great – hope to hit the gym this afternoon after dropping my exchange student off at the airport! 😀
What is with this weather??!!
.-= Biz´s last blog ..Reason 1,049 I love Tony and BSI – Sour Cream! =-.
Hi Angie. Just wanted to say good luck with the Rebounder Challenge. I will be following your lead and will be getting back to my rebounder which sadly has been sitting in the closet for the past 10 months…:( As I am sure you are aware, it is a great cardio workout and after 20 minutes I’m totally wiped. I’ll keep ya posted and will be checking back often to see how it’s going for you. Take care and all the best.
.-= Lyle Robinson´s last blog ..Friday Fun – January 15, 2010 =-.
Hope you are having a great weekend Angie!
.-= Biz´s last blog ..I Cried. =-.
I just came across your blog today, and I will be checking back often!
I love the mini trampoline….I use it a lot with clients who have knee problems as well as athletes for plyo and balance training…it’s a great piece of equipment to have! Best of luck with your challenge! Have a wonderful day =)
.-= Laury @ thefitnessriot´s last blog ..Sustainable Potluck Challenge =-.
Hi Angie, Just found your site. A Rebounder Challenge sounds fun.
We have one, bought it for our son for Christmas when he was 2 as he loved the trampoline at gymnastics so much. He didn’t use it as much as I thought he would, partly because it’s downstairs and we hangout upstairs for the most part. But, because he loves to play on the computer (he just turned 4), I take him downstairs to make him take a break, we put The Wiggles on and jump together to their songs.
He has a blast and I have him active and we both get a workout, so I think they’re great.
.-= WellTuned´s last blog ..Cholesterol – What It Is And Why We Need It. =-.
Thank you all for commenting! Rebounding is fun and I hope to set up another challenge this summer.