How to Treat Sunburns Naturally and Moisturize Skin after Sun Exposure
Guest post by Adriana Copaceanu
As much as the body needs time in the sun, it can also be easily damaged by too much time in the sun. Sunburns and dehydration are not the most pleasant results of time spent in the sun. You can limit these issues by limiting your time in the sun, but that may not always be possible or realistic. If you have suffered from too much exposure to the sun, try some of the natural remedies below.
Cool bath: Cool water feels good on any kind of a burn. A cool bath in baking soda or oatmeal water can be very helpful to sunburn, but too much time in a cool bath can also make the situation worse. Sprinkle baking soda or oatmeal o the tub before filling it for a soak. You can also put the oatmeal in a gauze wrap and hang it under the water as the water is running. Soak for about 20 minutes and then apply moisturizer as you air dry.
Compress: Sometimes your entire body is not the problem. It may be that just one small area got burnt. In that case, you can make a compress to apply to the burn. Make a baking soda, oatmeal, or potato wash and apply it to the skin with a cool cloth. When using potatoes, make sure the potatoes are blended for the best effect. They can then be applied directly to the skin, or put into a wash so that a cloth can be used. Repeat as needed, changing the cloth when it is no longer cool.
Rehydrate: The sun does not just dry out your skin; it can also cause an outgoing situation of fluid loss. As the vessels contract on the sunburn, they leak a fluid. This is why it is important to keep the skin and the rest of the body hydrated. Apply natural, fragrance free moisturizer immediately after getting out of the bath and 3-4 times through the day. Aloe and/or coconut oil are perfect for this. You also have to keep the rest of your body hydrated. Your body is losing fluids while it is trying to heal itself. Increase your fluid intake and avoid salt and sugar.
Argan oil: Another great option to get your skin feeling better right away is to use Argan oil. It will help soothe and hydrate and your sunburn or dry skin will heal quickly. It will also keep your skin from peeling off after sunburn.
Sunburn can be painful, but treated quickly and effectively, it doesn’t have to last very long (if you do burn, try lavender oil). If you are prone to sunburns, limit your time in the sun and don’t make the mistake of thinking that clouds will protect your skin from the sun’s rays.
Thanks Adriana for the guest post. If anyone is interested, Adriana has a book on Argan Oil. And in a few weeks we will do a giveaway so be on the lookout!
Corinne says
I had never heard of Argan oil before. I’m willing to try it. I hate sunburn.
Rikaine says
I love Argan oil! I love to put in my hair as well as my daughters! I have been told it protects from the sun and heat. Seems to help. I just never knew it could be used to treat sunburn. Great ideas!