Move It May is back! Next month we are going to put a big focus on fitness. It’s always important to focus on fitness but especially now during this time. There are many different ways you can focus on fitness no matter what level you’re coming in at. I’ll share a few ideas below. First, you’ll want to sign up for my free Monthly Fitness Challenge.
If you’re already in the group, make sure you’re on the mailing list (link above) for the monthly fitness challenge. You don’t want to miss announcements, challenge updates, freebies, etc.
You’ll get a confirmation email where you’ll need to click on a link to confirm. Don’t miss that step. Next you’ll be directed to a welcome page that says You’re In! with a link to join the monthly challenge Facebook group. This is where all the fun is happening. And did I mention it’s free? Want accountability? The Facebook group is where you need to be. Everyone is supportive there, I‘m sure you’ll love it.
It’s important to stay accountable to others if you have big goals you want to reach. In my free Monthly Fitness Challenge group, you can do just that and check in daily to let us know what you have accomplished and get inspired by others. There are health, wellness and fitness tips plus we’ll be adding delicious recipes, product reviews and more. Hope to see you there.
Your Focus on Fitness
Like I mentioned above, it’s important to focus on your fitness. I would love to see you join my monthly fitness challenge and commit to getting healthier in May and beyond. Here are a few ideas to choose from to focus on fitness in May.
Indoor Workouts

Indoor workouts are my personal choice. We are lucky enough to have a home gym (it’s our garage that we made over) and have a nice variety of fitness activities to choose from. Everything from rebounding, my favorite, spinning and boxing to workouts through BODi (you will love the variety here).
I’m also looking into the Walk Away the Pounds app (I love their workout videos). Plus there is a rebounding/mini trampoline on demand app I’m interested in too. As you can see, there is SO much out there, no excuses!
By the way, I did not start out with all of this. Walk Away the Pounds DVD’s is how I first lost over 80 lbs. We won’t talk about the fact, I gained it all back. On a positive note, I’m down almost 30 lbs since June 2019. I’m thrilled with my low carb lifestyle and my focus on fitness.
Did you know May is bike month? Cycling is a great outdoor (or indoor) activity. Kev has wanted a bike for a long time and we bit the bullet and bought him one for his birthday a couple weekends ago. It’s a beauty and he’s pretty cute too.

I have always wanted a cruiser bike like this one. Except I found an adult tricycle and feel I would be much more comfortable and balanced on one of those. They look like a lot of fun!
That would fit my personality too. They are hard to find as are the cruiser bikes right now. And they have 0 speeds. It seems like everyone is using this time to get outdoors and cycle. And they should be! For now, I workout at home. When Kev wants to ride his bike, I bring a book along and enjoy the great outdoors. I am totally cool with that.
Walking is probably one of the best exercises you can do. Why start a walking routine? To get in shape, lose weight and for most it’s the easiest thing to do. It requires no special equipment and is easy on your joints.
Grab a good pair of walking shoes and get a walking plan in place. I would recommend starting with 3 days a week and going from there. Keep track of your walks and other fitness in a fit journal. Start by walking around your own neighborhood. If you have a park, lake or walking trails nearby hit those up next. Or if you have a treadmill at home, use that.
Whether you’re walking to lose weight, get fit or enjoy the outdoors it’s the best overall exercise for your health in my opinion. What is your favorite place to walk?
Well-designed. This easy and compact fitness planner has plenty of space for personal records, such as sets, types of exercise, rating, body measurements, progress, and diet preferences.
Daily motivation. Our fitness planner lets you set a goal and a deadline to achieve it by.
Well-planned. This workout planner provides 140 days for exercise tracking. Our fitness diary reflects your progress in the gym and the outcomes.
Stylish. The 150-page exercise log is not flimsy. Its cover has a protective layer, and the notebook is made from high-quality paper. The pages are joined with sturdy wire so it won’t get shabby and fall to pieces.
Based on experience. We have analyzed the comments and feedback of customers to design an exercise log book that is as easy to use as ABC. Our fitness planner covers key points to help you get fitter faster.
Those are just a few ideas you can do to focus on your fitness for the Move It May challenge. Please share with us what ideas and goals you have for getting your fitness on in May. Have you joined the free Monthly Fitness Challenge yet? If not, get on that.
My goals for May:
- Rebounding/mini trampoline every day for at least 15 minutes (my goal for 2020) – proud to say I have done that for almost 4 full months!
- Spinning at least 3 times a week for 15+ minutes (or cycling outdoors if we find a bike for me lol)
- Walking (Walk Away the Pounds workouts, walking outside, etc.)
Your goals can be as big or small as you want them to be. Focusing on your fitness next month will make a huge difference in your life. I promise.
What are your May fitness goals?
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What a great program you have set up! It looks like there’s a lot of variety and your goals definitely seem attainable. Great job!
Thank you Eva! I appreciate the feedback.
I love Beachbody on demand! It’s so nice to workout from home and get a variety of workouts!
Me too! And yes love variety.
Walking is one of my favorite forms of activity! Especially right now, because it’s one of the few times of the day that I leave the 4 walls of my apartment. I love walking along the nearby trail and listening to a podcast to start my morning!
I wish I loved walking…well I love Walk Away the Pounds workouts but not walking outside lol great idea to listen to a podcast.
super important to get moving, especially when everyone is stuck inside, My goal for may is to lose another 5 pounds of baby weight (darn kids). and fit a little better in my shorts for the summer time!
Yes it sure is. Great goal. You will definitely hit it.