Benefits of Heart Rate Monitor Training
A lot of people think that heart rate training is too hard and only used by elite athletes but I am here to show you that is not the case. It’s actually really easy and a wonderful tool for weight loss and building general fitness. It’s important to measure the intensity of your workout. I am still learning all about my newest Polar heart rate monitor but here are some reasons why you should pay attention to heart rate monitor training.
A heart rate monitor:
- optimizes your workout efforts
- helps you listen to your body
- helps aid in workout recovery
- improves your performance
- tracks your progress
Remember heart rate monitors are not only for athletes. Anyone can benefit from using one!
Do you have a heart rate monitor?
Angie, do you consider the Arm Band type of heart monitor to be as useful as the wrist model depicted?
I have never used any of the arm band HR monitor’s but have heard great things about the BodyBugg. I’m not sure that I would personally feel comfortable wearing an arm band all day.
I have always wanted a heart-rate monitor. I am too lazy to do the math. Plus, it is a great way to measure your results. I would only wear it during workouts though. The real-time feedback is a great feature.