Here is the first 30 day challenge check in. All you need to do is comment on this post to let us know what one new thing you did for the previous week. It would be great if you could blog about it on your blog, link to the main 30 Days to Better Healthy Living Challenge post and then drop the link to your blog post here in the comments. There might be a delay as I’ll have to approve them. If you don’t have a blog, feel free to just comment with the one new thing you did this week.
Did you step out of your comfort zone and try a new workout? Make a new healthy recipe? Whatever it was, let us know about it.
I’ll do a quick drawing tomorrow (Wednesday) from all who check in to win the first prize.
You can read all the challenge rules in this post. I see a lot of chatter on the Facebook page, those ladies really want a chance to win the GRAND PRIZES.
Hope you’re having fun with the challenge and planning out what you’ll do the rest of June!
As for me, this week I tried a new DVD. It’s called Yoga for Weight Loss. I only got through 20 minutes of it and boy oh boy was it a challenge to do some of the beginner poses. I definitely know I have a lot of work ahead. Yoga is HARD to do when you’re overweight. So far, the DVD is OK and I will go through it more before I ever step into a yoga class, that is for sure.
I stepped out of my comfort zone a lot 🙂 Softball, mountain biking…it was awesome! Haven’t decided what I’m going to work on this week or the rest of June yet.
I posted a check in post on my blog 🙂
You sure did step out of your comfort zone! WAY TO GO! Thank you for sticking with it and posting your results. It gives me inspiration. I know Kev would really love to get bikes and I keep going back and forth on that one. I want one of those beach cruiser bikes but he just laughs and says that won’t work for where we live. BOO! We’ll see…
Oops I forgot to mention that it’s really hard to remember to post every day on your FB wall! I’ve missed a couple days of checking in there. Boo 🙁
Sorry you missed some days posting on the FB page. I had to make people really step out and work for the BIG prizes! But as long as you check in every week, you’ll be entered into that weeks prize drawing each Wednesday. Thanks for staying accountable here. I commented on you blog post.
I moved it to a new level. I started The Female Body Breakthrough plan- and it`s going GREAT!! I am so excited with it already.
Excellent Terry! So glad to see you check in and hear that it’s going so well. Keep up the great work!
Just linking to Dawn’s check in (she posted on the main challenge post by accident) so she gets credit.
Thank you Angie!!! I posted wrong in the wrong place!
I’m really digging this stuffed turkey burger from Extreme Makeover: Weight Loss Edition. (
They usually show one recipe per episode, so if you’re interested, it airs at Monday nights on ABC at 10pm/9c.
Thanks for sharing the recipe, Joel.
I guess for Week 1 what I did was take a salad box into work for lunch each day. My colleagues were all amazed at me, and a few have started bringing salad boxes in too now 🙂
I lost 11 pounds between the end of May and June 8th, so I’m pretty happy and keen to keep the momentum going.
Way to go on your weight loss! That is awesome.
And really cool that your coworkers are following you and bringing salads too.