Here is the 2nd 30 day challenge check in. All you need to do is comment on this post to let us know what one new thing you did for the previous week. It would be great if you could blog about it on your blog, link to the main 30 Days to Better Healthy Living Challenge post and then drop the link to your blog post here in the comments. Don’t worry if there is a delay, I usually have to approve them. If you don’t have a blog, feel free to just comment with the one new thing you did this week.
Did you step out of your comfort zone and try a new workout? Make a new healthy recipe? Whatever it was, let us know about it.
I’ll do the second drawing tomorrow (Wednesday) from all who check in to win another prize.
You can read all the challenge rules in this post. Hope you’re enjoying the challenge.
This week, I didn’t do anything due to hurting my back. I did sort of try a new food. Trader Joe’s has packages of steamed lentils and they have been sitting in the fridge for a while. I finally opened them and ate a serving cold. They were delicious with a little hot sauce on them. Ready to eat…my kind of food! I have had lentil soup in the past but this was so much better. I initially got them to make a lentil loaf so I still have to do that.
This week I ran a 3.5 mile obstacle course in the Poconos with 18,000 other people. I climbed a cargo net, walked a plank, jumped over fire, crawled through tunnels, ran up a river, and dove into a pit of mud. Way out of my comfort zone, and awesome.
I also went horseback riding for the 1st time since I was a teen.
This is also week 2 of my new fitness plan. I feel strong! I didnt weigh in yet this week. Scared to. I know I will be crushed if it`s up.
Next week- a local 5 k race, kayaking, and more classes. 🙂
Terry, you ROCK! Who cares if you didn’t lose anything, you are an ATHLETE ( I know, I know). I am really so inspired by everything you are doing.
Thanks Ang! I know I should get my mind past the weight thing. I am strong, healthy, and I enjoy life so much more now.
Problem is- I still have alot to lose. I havent been abe to get below 200. I`m not trying to be a model or anything- 160-170 would actually be ok.
Totally understand!
Oh- I also made beans and greens for the 1st time- and it is awesome!! Swiss chard, spinach, canneloni beans, chicken sausage, chicken broth, sprinkle with parm cheese. Yummy!!
Oh I love greens!
I started Boot Camp last Tuesday, for the first time ever and managed to do it again Thursday and Sunday. So far so good. Todya I opted to do cardio as I pulled a really late night working. Dropped 3 lbs, but they are ones I already lost and put back on but lost those bad boys since last Tuesday also – so I’m taking them. Nice to be back on the right side of the scale direction!
I’ve just bought beets to try a new food – I’ve had them pickeled before but not boiled am going to give them a try though.
Great challenge Angie, it’s good to have the accountability factor working for us.
Great work, Deb. Glad to hear you’re sticking with your workouts.
I have only had canned beets and I love them.
My one thing for this week was another big one for me and that was to cut out heavy snacks at night. I am a big late night snacked so what I did was get ice pops and fudgsicle pops and have been using them at night instead of popcorn (my snack of choice). So far it’s helping with my late night snacking!
Way to go, Dawn! Keep up the great work. Thanks for checking in.
I had an okay week. My wildest thing was trying a new 20 minute workout from – Jennifer Galardi’s red carpet body.
Nothing compared to what Terry has achieved!
I’d like to try a new smoothie recipe next.
Good for you for trying a new workout. I love smoothies! Be sure to share the recipe on your blog. Yum!
This second week I have started taking my two dogs out for very long walks in the forest. Good hour and a half / two hour walks. The dogs get to swim at three different places on most of the routes I take, and I get to exercise gently while enjoying the birds of prey or listening to educational stuff on my iPod.
I really enjoy long walks! I bet the dogs love it. And it sounds like a nice peaceful walk.
What breed of dogs do you have?
I almost forgot to check in! Just wrote up a blog post
Just commented on your blog post. GREAT JOB! You are really stepping out of your comfort zone. I like seeing you try new things and enjoy them. It’s so much better than focusing on the scale.
So proud!
You are the winner of the week #2 check in for the challenge. Please touch base with me so I can get your info to give to Diana for your copy of her Craving Secrets ebook that she donated for this challenge.
During this past week, I managed to come up with a new exercise for my daily routine.
I started doing my normal nightly jog, but added my grandson to my shoulders. He loves the trotting, and I burn some extra calories!
Note to self: Make sure he has clean diapers before you start 😉