I was given a complimentary entry into the Squires Fitness program in exchange for an honest review and case study of my experience. So over the next 12 weeks you are going to go through the entire experience with me. The plan is to check in at least once a week and most likely it will be on Sunday’s right along with my daily workout log. It’s only fitting right?
The Program
Squires Fitness has online fitness and nutrition personal trainers who design a personalized program just for you based on your individual assessments. Their mission is to “help as many people as possible change their lives through correct exercise and nutrition by providing all the tools, advice and support they need to succeed”. Most online fitness programs are automated but Squires Fitness seems to really be interested in their clients. I like that.
Your first step will be to join and once that process is complete you’ll be sent your log in info. Then it will be time to fill out your fitness and diet assessments. Everything is really quick and easy. Do take into account thought that the company is based in the UK when it comes to contacting them. It hasn’t been an issue for me at all. They have replied to all inquiries quickly (and I have made a few).
My Experience
So far my experience with everything has been great. I had to fill out the fitness and diet assessments upon joining (get ready to be brutally honest here) and then once they looked over those, Sarah (my online personal fitness trainer) sent a fully designed workout program and healthy eating guide with suggestions on what I could change with my current eating habits. I wasn’t too far off with my current eating plan. They also took into account my back and knee issues. What I was most excited about was they really took into consideration everything in my fitness assessment and fit in workouts that utilize all the equipment available to me at home. There is also a welcome letter to explain the design of your program.
I have looked over the suggested workouts for weeks 1-3 but all 12 weeks are there waiting for me. They look great to me and incorporate our new spin bikes, treadmill and exercise equipment at home. You get a cardiovascular workout and toning exercises. Next to each toning exercise, you’ll find number of sets, reps, tempo, rest time and a video with explanation of each exercise. It’s really cool! I pulled the page up on my iPad and will most likely use that to follow along but Jason, the owner was nice enough to send me each weeks programs in a document to print out. I’ll probably put those in sheet protectors so I can use them when I workout and not drip sweat on them. In the future, I would love to see the workouts offered in download form on each workout program page.
With your diet assessment comes a guidebook you can download or read online with tips and advice on healthy living. I haven’t gone through the entire book yet but so far so good. There is a section in the members area titled Motivate Me Now which holds audios on such topics as goal setting, affirmations, external support and confidence in the gym and another guidebook.
What I like so far is that it’s not complicated! Some programs have so much info to wade through and here I find everything is straight and to the point. I like it so far.
How much does it cost?
And let me tell you that the investment into this program is WAY less than it is for an actual personal trainer at a local gym. At least here in IL. When I had a personal trainer, I was paying $250 for ten sessions a month. This program is only $197 for the entire 12 weeks. And they have a payment program, pay 1/2 when you join and the remainder 30 days later. If I do the math correctly, that means I could have saved about $550. Now don’t get me wrong, I really loved having a personal trainer at the gym and both of the trainers I had were awesome BUT if you can’t afford that this seems like a great option. They do however have a limited amount of trainers so obviously they can only take a certain amount of clients at a time. I think that is great because they won’t get too big for their britches and overload their trainers and in turn not have time for their clients.
We are only at the beginning and I haven’t yet started the workout program (estimated date for me to start is Tuesday July 5th). I’m hoping the home gym (garage) is set up by then but if not, I’ll manage and just get started.
So now that you have had an overview of some of my initial thoughts on the program and my experience so far, what would be some questions you would ask Jason, the owner of Squires Fitness? He and I are going to do a quick Q & A next week on the blog.
I will most definitely be following your blogs about this. I unfortunately cannot join but I look forward to hearing from you. Go rock it Ang 🙂
Helps I spell my own name right lol….GROSS
Some really good tips here Angie.
I’ve tried losing my extra weight for almost half a year now, but I’ve had trouble with keeping it away for longer periods of time, and it kept coming back if I stopped exercising or dieting.
I’m really contemplating hiring a personal trainer to guide me through the proper exercises and diets, as I’ve read so many positive reviews about the work they do and I’m sure they’re the solution to my problem.
Thanks, Angie!