It’s been a rough few months. Injuries had me down and out (excuse #1). We have been working for months on building a shed and remodeling the garage into a home gym that I stopped working out because I was so tired (excuse #2). As you can see, I used every excuse in the book to put my healthy lifestyle on the back burner.
I had lost the motivation to workout which in turn made it hard to keep up with healthy eating. What a mistake! I gained weight back, had no energy and felt mentally exhausted. Honestly I felt like a total failure.
BUT I am not giving up and for those who have been following me for the last few years know I’m not one to stop, come back with a sob story, lose weight again and repeat the process over and over. I want to lose weight BAD because when I was on a roll and losing weight, I felt awesome. I slept better. I had a lot of energy. It was easy to motivate others when I was motivated myself. Sometimes though, you can’t always be the motivator, you need motivation too!
Have you been watching the Biggest Loser? This season there is a gal who is injured but she is still losing weight. All it takes is a modification of your workouts. I just stopped altogether and it got the best of me. Next time, I promise to look to someone for help with ideas on modifications (but let’s hope there are no more injuries).
I’m not going to keep hashing this out but I just wanted you all to know that I’M BACK. I was down but not out. It takes commitment, I know that. And I am committed to living healthy. I know I’m going to struggle but I’m going to push through and do my very best to make the right choices when it comes to living a healthy lifestyle. I have to always remember that this lifestyle change is forever, it’s not temporary.
And speaking of the Biggest Loser, I absolutely LOVED this saying from Dolvett, one of the new trainers on The Biggest Loser.
“It hurts to look good baby, it hurts to look good. I’m in pain every day!”
For those of you out there struggling with your weight like me, please know that we are all here for one another. It’s really important for all of us to work together. It’s much easier to change when you have a support system.
The Social Network Diet book talks about this exact thing. The book was sent to me for review and I would definitely recommend it. Here’s my review of it…
This is the Nook ebook but the actual book will be announced on Tuesday Oct 18th.
From Barnes & Noble:
“The Social Network Diet: Change Yourself, Change the World book will help you make healthy changes in your life by improving your environment—and in so doing, transforming the world. It is not your classic diet book. It is not an exercise manual. It is unlike any other nutrition and physical activity plan you have ever seen. It is a guide, rooted in exciting new research, on how to make lasting, positive change in your life by creating a supportive social network and a favorable food and physical activity environment.”
When I hear social network, my immediate reaction is that they are talking about Internet based connections but they talk a lot about the local person to person networking connections that can really make a difference in your life. I have personally found my social networks online are a great source of inspiration.
This book has it all:
- Inspirational stories
- 1 & 7 day challenges
- Helpful self-assessments
and more…
It shows you that you really do need the support of others when you are trying to change unhealthy habits in your life.
Are you connected to any social networks for support in living a healthier lifestyle?
Hi Angie!
Whatever you do, don’t beat yourself up for not exercising and sticking to a healthier diet when you were injured, tired and busy.
I did the exact same thing when I sprained my ankle in August. For some reason, it only later dawned on me that I could’ve easily done something else for exercise..
I’m trying not to beat myself up about it all. I just want to move forward but it’s really hard once you have let things go and fallen back into some bad habits. Gotta stick to my guns and make the right decisions. Thanks always for your support.
Hey Angie,
If misery loves company – I’m right there with you! I know you prefer not to talk numbers but there’s no other way to put my own struggle in perspective.
I lost 50lbs 10 years ago and a huge part of that was making long overdue changes to my social network and stresses that I let others put on me.
Since then though, slowly but surely those lines got eroded (because I let them be) and I gained back 20 of those hard lost pounds.
I started again a year ago in September trying to get healthy and lost 35lbs by Christmas. But since January I had been unable to lose a single pound and actually began to gain back again even though I was working out 6 days a week, working with a trainer 2 of them.
It is so hard to remain motivated when you are working hard and don’t see the results you want and feel you deserve. Then the rot sets in and I find it harder to make the right food choices, next thing you’re not working out at all and the whole cycle repeats itself. So know you’re not alone in that frustrating cycle.
You should know that when we met in Atlanta in August, you inspired me to get back on track – even though I waited till after my extended vacation to get started again!
I won’t say I ‘love’ checking in on facebook and logging my workouts, but you know what, I find myself dragging out of bed because I want to be able to do that. So accountability is huge and hugely helpful, and the encouragement found among the posts there is a great motivator.
This blog, the stories and helpful, encouraging information you share, and the community you’re building here is a big part of what I now consider my most important social network, because people here “get it”.
I thank you for sharing your challenges with us and for giving us all a place and opportunity to support each other.
Deb, thanks for writing. I need to start talking numbers and looking at the scale. If I don’t keep track, I might keep going down this path.
It is tough to keep going when you don’t see results. Definitely a frustrating cycle.
Thank you for sharing with me that I was able to inspire you to get back on track. AND I appreciate you letting me know that you find the blog and Facebook page helpful. I wonder sometimes if there is more I can do. So glad that you keep accountable with us.
Angie, your whole second paragraph so resonated with me. Once we lose the motivation to exercise, or even eat as we should, it seems like the dominos start falling all the way down the line.
I’m trying to get back to working out, but am struggling with an achilles tendon problem which makes it difficult to walk very far.
The good news is that we just moved to an apartment complex that has a weight room not very far from where I live. Have I used it yet? Unfortunately, no. But with my daughter, a nearby neighbor, urging me on – I will get there.
I’m so glad I came across your blog. Even though you are struggling right now, I’m picking up some strong vibes that your example and encouragement will get me back on track.
I used to watch The Biggest Loser, but quit several years ago because of the infighting that was strong one season. I didn’t need the negativity in my life at that time. Sounds like I should give the show another try. I’ve purchased a several of their books and a cookbook from the first couple of seasons and they provide motivation for me.
Thanks for being honest with your readers as far as your struggles.
It sure does feel that way, like the dominoes.
Sure hope your achilles gets better quickly. That is no fun at all. I would love to see the gym you get to workout in at the apt. complex. How nice to have it close by. I’m so loving our new home gym for that very reason.
Gail, glad you found my blog and I look forward to connecting with you more.
As for the Biggest Loser, I was going to actually skip this season because I didn’t think I would like the new trainers but I was totally wrong. They aren’t so bad.
I’m in the same book….millions of excuses…the only one who’s ever hurt in this is me….Time for me to own up and resume taking care of myself!! Thanks for your post!
I get it! And you’re right we are the only ones hurt by it so we better suck it up and just do it. Thanks for sharing.
Hey Ang- been there done that. I do great- then get frustrated and fall off the wagon- then climb back on again. What I have noticed lately though is that what I consider “Pigging out” now is not the same as it was. Sure- I`ll have a bad day and I`ll overeat- but what I am eating is still healthy! Or I will have 3 or 4 cookies at work and feel bad- but that is 3 or 4 cookies like 3 or 4 times a year- not the whole cookie jar every week-lol! I will work like crazy to shed that second slice of pizza- when I used to finish a pzza myself. I`m sure you know exactly what I mean.
We changed our lifestyles- and even at our worst we are better than we were.
I recently read The Female Body Breakthrough by Rachel Cosgrove. One of the mantas is “No excuses” I am trying to live by that now. She also promotes the 90% rule- eat healthy and in your range 90% of the time. This leaves me 3 splurges a week- and I can eat a serving size of anything I want those 3 times with no guilt. I hoard those too- and have an all out feast (to me) on Sunday-lol.
Stay strong- stay healthy- and keep living your new life Ang! I`m still right beside you.
I definitely know what you mean! And it’s true I am much better off than I was but man I wish it would be easier.
That book sounds great, I’ll have to try to pick it up. And thanks Terry, you have always been so supportive and I truly appreciate you for that.
so when will you be starting the new scrapbooking blog Angie!!
I don’t think I’ll be starting a separate scrapbooking blog however I will most likely get started doing a little scrapping for our travels and I’ll share that info on our blog when I do. Great meeting you online this weekend.
I’m really late on posting this comment but something you wrote really resonated with me:
“Sometimes though, you can’t always be the motivator, you need motivation too!”
I remember over on my No More Plus Size blog once when a reader gave me a bit of a hard time about sharing about my struggles and lack of motivation. She said she came there for my motivation and to see how well I was doing…I get that but it really pi**ed me off because like you said Angie we can’t always be the motivator, there are times we need motivation too!
I’ve been following you for several years and you’re always motivating everyone and encouraging us with your positive words, etc. I’m sure you’ve found your motivation again seems how this post is from a few months ago…I know you can do it!
Better late than never *wink*
It is true and I can’t believe you were given a hard time. A blog is not only to share our good days but our down days too. It helps others so don’t worry about that. There are a lot of people in the same boat as us and need to know there are others going through the same thing.
Thanks for kind words. I have been struggling big time but the one thing I won’t do is give up so I just have to get back on the wagon.