Better Healthy Living Challenge: Check in #2
Thanks to all who participated last week in the Better Healthy Living FITNESS challenge. This week we challenge ourselves to focus on nutrition.
Living a healthy lifestyle is not always easy. These challenges are here to help all of us break through some barriers we might have.
Today’s Tip: Don’t skip breakfast
Breakfast is a great way to start the day because you are breaking the fast after a night’s sleep. You don’t need a full meal but you should eat something to give you the fuel you need to get your day started. Try a juice or smoothie. Maybe some almonds/walnuts. Overnight oats is one of my favorites (recipe post to come). It’s made the night before so it’s simple to grab and eat on the run.
Here are some more ideas for nutritional changes that will help impact your life in a positive way:
- Make healthier food choices
- Find a new healthy recipe to make
- Drink more water
- Eat more veggies/fruits
- Take your vitamins
- Track your food
- Eat slower and enjoy your food
- Give your fridge a makeover
All you have to do is comment below or on social media using the hashtag #BHLchallenge for your chance to win some cool prizes. Tell us what healthy nutrition choices you made this week.
Feel free to also go back to Week 1: Fitness to share how you did last week. If you are just coming in to the challenge, you can see all the info on that post about who the challenge is for AND more specific info on how you can enter to win prizes.
My goal for last week was to stay active and I didn’t accomplish my goals BUT I did lose 4.6 lbs. I started juicing/smoothies again this month (1-2 meals). I really missed it while on vacation.
What is your goal for this week?
P.S. Are you interested in sponsoring and/or donating a product/service for the challenge? Please get in touch with me! Your company/website/blog will be promoted throughout the month of July in various ways (here on the blog, Twitter, Facebook and more!).
my goal for the week is to drink more water, less soda.
Great goal! I gave up soda years ago but tried some of hubby’s while on vacation and WOW it was hard to drink lol
My 2 goals this week is to take my vitamins. I always forget ugh
And I want to cook one new meal (I don’t cook so this is a challenge for me!)
My goal is to TRACK!!!!!!!!! I am TIRED of tracking so I am going to add some fun this week: using ministampers for my water (another goal this week: aiming for 8 glasses/day)!!!
I also am making it a goal to review my daily tracking and putting stickers on the page, ect…sort of mini-scrapping/journal just to make it fun..nothing hard, but trying to get back into tracking so that it becomes fun, not a chore!!!!
reward: a fun nail polish.
p.s. i haven’t rewarded myself for last week: i jazzed up a storm but haven’t walked the 3 times i had put down during lunch. going tomorrow, thurs, and if i do it friday: NEW WALKING SOCKS FROM MY FAVORITE SPORT SHOP.
So awesome to hear your update. Tracking is what stopped me. I really don’t like to keep track of food especially. Anyway….love your idea of mini stampers. I just a ton of scrapbooking journal type stuff for our vacations, I should try something fun like that too.
What color nail polish? I am a nail polish addict lol
Love to get new walking socks. Keep up the great work!
My goal this week is to watch my portions. That’s where I struggle most!
Awesome Kerri! I had a big problem with that too. You’ve got this!
I struggle with the same, mostly at at home dinners!!!!!! i just want to eat and eat. I see it for what it is: a need for relaxing, feeling full and basically comfort after a full, long day at work. But seeing it and controlling this is something I am having a hard time with. I will work on this along with you..we can do it!!!