Before we go into my workouts for the week, I want to give Bic Bands a shout out today. They donated 2 headbands for my June Better Healthy Living Challenge. I love all types of head bands and have found that Bic Bands is one of the best I have worn. I like that they stay on when I workout. They have a unique assortment of headbands, thick, thin, skinny, minnie, bling, … [Read more...]
Fantastic Fitness Week
This week was a great week as far as workouts go. I am loving my new personal training workouts (I get new ones every 4 weeks) and am getting ready to sign up for another 8 weeks plus another Best Body Bootcamp. The Best Body Bootcamp starts July 23rd. It's open to everyone and is a program adapted for all fitness levels. If you want to improve your lifestyle, be sure to … [Read more...]
World’s Fastest Workout
Oh yikes, this week was a doozie. Nothing exciting to tell you about but the workouts I did do were good. I am behind a week on my new personal training plan but I have everything printed out and ready to go for this coming week. My goal for this coming week is 5 days of workouts (M, W, Th, F, Sa.) with 2 of the days include weights/strength and one including a functional … [Read more...]
When Life Throws Curveballs, Do What You Can
Here are my workouts for the week. Not totally as I had planned but I did OK. This week will be a bit stressful (read below) but I'm going to do my best to get in workouts here and there. Will probably rely on quick bursts throughout the week. This weekend I bought some new Brooks cross trainers/running shoes and I'll be testing those out to see how they do. Been having … [Read more...]
Goals Not Met
Goals Not Met Yikes didn't meet my goals last week. It sure doesn't feel good but I'm still moving forward. I know the stress of everything going on with our cat is doing me in. And I'm trying to push past it. Have you ever had something that has held you back and put you in a funk when it comes to healthy living? I need to break through this and move forward (and I … [Read more...]