Just wanted to wish all the dad's reading today a very Happy Father's Day. I know my dad reads the blog so wanted to do a quick shout out. Kev is on his way home from OKC where he got to attend a Thunder Finals game (my stepdaughter surprised him with the jumbotron announcement at the game) and he got to love on our granddaughter. He had a blast! But I sure missed … [Read more...]
Take That Nap
This week was much better although I still didn't get in as many workouts as I planned. I did however enjoy getting back into it. I just need to work on timing and how to make it all work. Today I intended on using mowing the lawn as my workout but it just got too hot out and we found ourselves needing to accomplish other things like taking a THREE hour nap! I'm still … [Read more...]
Fitness This Week
It was good to get back into workouts this week. I truly have had a challenging few months and was just not into it to be honest. I have never really felt this way so it's been a downer for sure. I have caught up on some much needed sleep although that is still a work in progress with having to get up with kitty in the middle of the nights lol BUT we will get through it! … [Read more...]
A Total Wash
This week was nothing to write home about so I'm going to make it short and sweet and move on! Here is my ONE lonely workout for the week. And for those that don't know, I had pulled something in my groin which in turn made my already bad knee worse. I'm feeling better now but still need to stay accountable with my workouts so here you go. Don't laugh too hard. … [Read more...]
Loving Best Body Bootcamp
Had a decent week up until I pulled a muscle in my groin (not from a workout, just moved the wrong way ugh)! But even with that I'm really excited. I have this coming week and next left in the Best Body Bootcamp and personal training BUT I have already paid for an additional 12 weeks of online personal training with Tina at Best Body Fitness. She's really amazing, let me … [Read more...]