Beginner Camping Tips Series We are going to kick off our beginner camping tips series with how to start planning your next family camping trip. There will be numerous posts in this series that I'll be sharing over the next month or so. We will wrap this series up into a low cost guide so that you can always refer back to it. The guide will include checklists … [Read more...]
Top 10+ Gift Suggestions for Men That They Will Love
My Top Gift Suggestions For Men I always have a hard time picking out gifts for the men in my life. Can you sympathize? I have been on the hunt for some men's birthday and Father's Day gifts and came up with some pretty great ideas so I'm going to share my top 10+ gift suggestions for men with you. Hopefully you'll find something unique from my list that will make that … [Read more...]
Treat Mom to Something Special This Year!
Are you searching for Mother's Day gifts like I am? I'm a bit behind in the hunt for the best Mother's Day gift to treat mom to this year so I thought I would share some of my finds with you. Below you'll find ideas for a Mother's Day gift. Love these ideas. Mother's Day Gift Guide Fitness at Home Deals for Mom Here are some fun fitness at home deals for Mom! … [Read more...]
Our Family Camping Adventures
We are having such a blast on our family camping adventures. Our first camping trip was such a great experience that we went on a 2nd and we have already planned and scheduled our third. There will be a 4th one, most likely in September where we'll try out a new campground. You can read about our 1st time camping experience below. We share our top 7+ camping tips for … [Read more...]
Hunter: Our Warrior Grandson
For those that don't know our FIRST grandson was born early, 3 months premature. They call him a micro preemie, born at 1 lb 7 oz on April, 14, 2018. He was on and off a ventilator for a while so when he finally came off the vent for good it was so exciting and such a relief. For the first 3 months of his life he stayed in the NICU at a hospital in downtown … [Read more...]