Today is National Running Day. A coast to coast celebration of running. Do you run? I don't personally run but I sure give kudos to those that do. I have tried many times to do the run/walk thing but right now my knees just don't support it. I walked a half marathon in Jamaica back in 2010 and was so inspired by all the runners. So this post is for all of you runners … [Read more...]
My June Mantra: Just Do It
Commitment. Tomorrow is June 1st. It's the beginning of summer, kids just out of school and I'm ready to rock this month on my terms. My word for the month is commitment. I want to commit to doing my best when it comes to all the areas of my life (health, business, etc.) com·mit·ment noun 1.the state or quality of being dedicated to a cause, activity, etc. My … [Read more...]
4 Months to Fit: My Fit Body Goals
4 Months (and beyond) to Fit: My Fit Body Goals In the fall two big things are happening. We are heading back to Roatan, Honduras for a relaxing week-long vacation which will include lots of snorkeling, walking the beach and kayaking. And my stepson is getting married. Kev and I will then celebrate our 20th anniversary next year, in December 2016. I would love to be able to … [Read more...]
Don’t Make It Harder Than It Has to Be
Are you stuck? Don't make things harder than they have to be (I'm one to speak ha). When I think of making things harder than they have to be, the book What You Can When You Can written by my two friends Carla and Roni comes to mind. And if you read my post from yesterday about life revolving around weight loss and fitness, it's the perfect time to bring this up. I am … [Read more...]
Does Your Life Revolve Around Weight Loss & Fitness
Struggles with Weight Loss/Fitness I've been blocked. When it comes to working out, eating right and sharing it all, it's become a struggle. I'm not exactly sure what it was but every time I thought about a workout or writing down what I was eating and then sharing my workouts for the week, it totally stressed me out. Have you ever been burnt out on the topic? I mean burnt … [Read more...]